P.Vindob. G. 40195

Trismegistos: 64949

Transcription based on: Daniel, R.W. “Christian Hymn: P. Vindob. G 40195 and P.Ryl. Copt. 33.” ZPE 42 (1981): 71–77.

Fragment 1


  1. ⳨ ὁ βασιλεὺς τῆς δόξης προέ<ρ>χεται· ὃν τὰ Χ[ε-]*
  2. ρουβὶν τρέμουσιν καὶ τὰ Σεραφὶν κράζουσιν
  3. » ἅγιος ἅγιος ἅγιος ε<ἶ> «*
  4. μαρτυρία*
  5. Μαρία Μαρι.άμ*
  1. ⳨ The King of Glory goes [b]efore, whom the Ch[e-]*
  2. rubim tremble in awe at and the Seraphim cry out,
  3. “Holy, holy, holy you are!”*
  4. testimony*
  5. Maria Mari.am*

⳨ The King of Glory goes before, at whom the Cherubim tremble in awe and the Seraphim cry out, “You are holy, holy, holy!”
